Entirely Free of Seafood
Yeah! I got a library card. Embracing my inner bibliophile, I have spent a few hours (cough, cough) the last few days and read the following: -Zorro by Isable Allende and The Fiercer Heart by Micaela Gilchrist - I realize that sounds like a movie and a cheesy southern romance, but .. no. The Fiercer Heart is based on the lives of (real people) Diana Bullitt and General Philip Kearny, and includes passages from letters they wrote to each other and early photographs of them. Hint: They had a tumultuous marriage and a 'scandalous' divorce at a time when Divorce was Not Done, no matter what a jerk the husband was.
I've been to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art twice in the last week - first with my friend Christie and again on Sunday with S. The above painting is about eight feet tall and about ten feet wide - and each of the little paintings are incredibly detailed and complex. Free on Sundays! S. worked at the museum before we were married and for a little while afterwards - so we get to go back and chat with all his old buddies.
- I'm on my way to go meet up with an internet friend of mine, R - she's pregnant with her second baby, so congratulations are definitely in order. Yeah for Martha Stewart bulletin boards. A Good Thing, to be sure.
- I've taken a few (by which I mean, oh, two or three) pictures that I've really liked of late. These are a few of them - I've been a bit Photoshop-happy of late, so my apologies for the excessive use of the "contrast" and "desaturate" tools. You know how they say, "Those who can't do, teach"? As far as I'm concerned, it should be, "Those who can't, Photoshop".
Iris (or something) leaves popping up . What I WISH my palm trees looked like.
Virginia Creeper - these get wonderful red and green leaves - if I can ever find somewhere to plant them, I'm definitely going to. Calla lily leaves and a street scene below.
And no mention of anything with scales, suckers or slimy skin.
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