Sunday, April 30, 2006

Write! Now! Get Published!

Hello all!

I don't know if you visit">Chookooloonks! (if not: go now!) very often, but here is the Dealio: Karen has an online magazine for unpublished writers, artists, photographers, poets, etc. They do a different theme every month. Right now, she is DESPERATE for submissions. This Months' Theme: Imagine

Submission Guidelines Here:

  •">Read All About It!

  • Writers may submit their work to, and must conform to the following:
    1. Please include full name, a valid e-mail address, your webpage URL (if applicable), a valid telephone number. and a short bio describing yourself and your writing experience, if any.
    2. Please include the section of the magazine for which you are making your submittal (i.e., life, arts & entertainment, books & music, fiction), as well as the theme (if submitting Life or Ficton pieces).
    3. Please include your 1000-1500 word article in the body of the e-mail. There is no minimum word requirement for Poetry; however please limit your poetry to 250 words.
    Thank You! That is all! More later on Mama and Papa Meepers' visit, thus far. Briefly: It was fun and games* with wine and darts. *"till somebody loses an eye!"

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