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In honor of the fact that my day has been, lets see, nineteen hours long... I give you a quick n' dirty set of pictures from today. As you know, I am not a Morning Person. Somehow the full moon conspired against me last night and kept me up... and I rose at barely-five this morning to meet one of my clients. We headed to the LA Flower and Fashion District, which was lovely - a paradise of textures, colors, patterns, embroidery, toile, tapestries....
I picked up these heavenly-scented Stargazer Lilies for ....wait for it... four dollars. No, not each...four....dollars. Total. My whole house smells like a dream. Fynn and Edie approve. Note: Each one of these flowers is larger then my outstretched hand.By the way - I don't normally allow him to hang out on our dining room table - he's just looking very "Still Life with Cat and Candlesticks" here, so I let him stay.
Detail of one of a bunch of luscious, huge black (despite the bloody flash, which turned it reddish-purple...) callas. Truly - the entire flower, pistil and stamen are a far deeper shade then eggplant (say it with me in Italian: "Aubergine" - isn't that much better?) - there is really no underlying purple or red tone in it at all. This one is a 'double', making it extra-rare.
The Animal. His Highness is a bit put out, because he and Edie had been posing for me for half an hour already. What a life!
Just for scale - the only thing I found that went with these exquisite flowers was this huge tropical leaf. Edie's about to pounce on Fynn and almost knock the whole shebang over.
Georgia O'Keefe, I am not - thankfully, talent isn't required to make these look amazing.
For contrast - leaf and calla.
Look how inky they are! Sorry....I'll stop rhapsodizing in...oh, about a month. These are by far the best flowers I've ever purchased for myselt. Cost: $18.00. Pricey for what things cost down there, but not compared to the $20.00 for the teeny-tiny, short ones I get wholesale here.Demonstrating exactly why all my house plants now live outside; the blur on the left is Edie, about to bite down. I'd already barked, "Edie! NO!" about six times here.
gorgeous. I wish I could keep the cats off a any table or counter. What is your trick? Calla Lilies are my fav flowers. Cheap flowers is one of the things I miss about living in SB (so close to LA). I absolutely love your photos, oh and Flynn's markings are absolutely amazing and beautiful. Now take a nap today...
Your photos are gorgeous. And the flowers are beautiful. Guess where I'm going today?
What I really want is to learn to grow flowers....
Hey Meeps,
the flowers are beautisimo.. you always have such good taste. His Highness is looking very poised and stoic. So what's been up w/ you lately? Wanna come see us? :D
angela has always wanted to work with flowers...but not wake up that early.
Ahh, yes the getting up early...oddly enough, I didn't go to bed until 1, either, so it was a Very Long Day.
Fizz - I'm guessing...Farmers Market?
Chiada- would love to come up (or better yet, you guys bring the dogs and we'll go to the beach?) I don't know where they would go after that, but it'd be fun for a long day. However, wedding season is On, and we still desperately need to go back to Mexico and finish up our dental crap. Siiigh. August?
SSG - Tell Angela it can be done. Even with big flower jobs, I'd rather stay up till 3 or 4 than get up at 6.
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