Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Look On the Bright Side...

The Good News:
Your sister flew back home the other day. Finally.
The Bad News:
You had to drop her off at the airport at 6:15 a.m. (After getting three hours of sleep, because she freaked out and insisted that you drive for about a half hour to go down to the next town and back at two in the morning.

The Good News:
She got the stuff she "ABSOLUTELY HAD TO HAVE" and "Could NOT be without for ONE day"
The Bad News:
When you got there, it was just makeup, contact solution and perfume. #$)#$(!%*@!!!!

The Good News:
We're leaving in a few hours...
The Bad News:
I haven't packed.

The Good News:
The cats really do get along with each other....
The Bad News:
I caught them trying to make sweet, sweet kitty love in our living room.

The Good News:
Fynn is fixed.
The Bad News:
Edie doesn't know that. Neither does he.


bee said...

our cats are leading parallel lives.
oh, lord.

Maya said...

Ya.. its a real love-fest over here!