Monday, May 15, 2006

Again With the No Posting...

I'm back, but am very-super-duper-busy with two weddings this week. I'd be mighty surprised if I post again before, oh...Sunday or so. At which point my brain will be mush. Suffice it to say that this weekend? Rocked!


Unknown said...

Heyyyyy, where'd you go & what'd you do this last weekend? I know you said you canceled your SF trip. So, was it an LA trip instead?

Glad you have some weddings - moola moola time! Sadly, we won't be enjoying your company at the beach this weekend. Oh well. Looks like the weather is going to suck after all.

Maya said...

No worries, we couldn't make it anyway with my Sat. wedding- can we reschedule for Carp beach sometime? (SO! much! nicer! weather!) Yes, it was an LA (read: shop-shop-shopin') trip. Fun!