Close but no champers
At about three today, we got a knock at the door - honestly, I am never terribly pleased to get those unless a) I'm expecting a friend b) I've had the house detailed. Sadly, neither one of these were true.
It was the Cottage Hospital project manager, coming by to bring us a little box of Sees' candy as a condolence for the last few months of dirt, noise, lewd stares and traffic detours we've been through. Nice gesture, to be sure...but really not sufficient considering the vast irritation it has been.
As if mere chocolates were apology enough. Now if only they'd had a bottle of bubbly and the keys to the apartment we could move into while this mess was going on. I walked back into my house and continued ripping the plaster off the top of my bathroom. The Great Flush-Down project of 2006 is not....going...well. More later.
OK, I hereby order you to post a videoblog, since it has been at least a full week since the last. One a week!
Yessir, rightaway. Shall I do it with or without the plaster in my hair?
They think a small box of candy is penance for the havoc of late? What poor sap got the job of "Walk the neighborhood of disgruntled homeowners and hand out paltry boxes of candy"? I bet that person is least liked in the office. You would have to be, really, to accept a job like that.
Was it a box of Sees nuts and chews, or truffles and buttercreams? Cause I believe the truffles and buttercream is offering a slightly more sincere apology, but that's just me. Still, buttercreams or nuts and chews is not a sufficient apology.
I'm with you, Bryndar. I can't stand the Nuts & Chews. I once worked for a company who every Christmas and Valentines gave me a box of nuts & chews. What a bloody waste!!! I gave them to my husband, which was really hard to do!
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