El queso es old and moldy
Or: Off to jolly old Mexico for more bloody dental work, need more meds.
Reasons We Should/n't Rent out our house, get a gardener and Move to Mexico:
- Cheap dental, medical and plastic surgery.
- Housing and food also cost-effective
- Same distance from parents
- Said parents might come and visit US.
- Chance to learn Spanish.
- No quarantine laws like Hawaii; also no 6 hour flight.
- Mexican destination weddings increasingly popular.
- Only 4-6-? hours from Santa Barbara
- Home of some great musical influences.
- Inexpensive household help
- Excellent food, if you know where to get it.
- Possibility of fantastic tan opportunities.
- Possibility of skin cancer.
- "La cucaracha, en la cocina" and "Ay, yaaaay yiii yiiiiiii" are probably the only lyrics I know.
- Mana.
- The infamous ene or inyay or however you spell the little curvy thing that goes over the n's.
- Internet connection possibly questionable
- Cats not pleased to move
- Unacceptable crime rates/instability
- We don't know anyone down there
- Totally don't get the Lucha Libre/tellanovella concept.
- Have already invested a lot of time/years starting own business here.
- Some of the excellent food could make us sick; I don't eat goat, tripe or chicken feet.
pros are definitely outweighing the cons there, lady.
If you move all the way down to Cabo, I'll go with you. Truly booming wedding biz down there! and the guacamole...YUM
Hah! I thought I was the ONLY person to ever quote that movie. Brendan Fraser was the bomb. Still is, actually. Don't forget the rest of that line: "...where is the bathroom?"
Pienso que es una idea fantastico para mover a Mexico. Puedo visitar y ensenarte la lengua de español y todo es mas barato. No t preocupes que hay animales pequenas en su cama y la gripe en las calles, Mexico es una país de fiesta!
Oh, mi blog es eaudedeux.blogspot.com ahora, me explico en la pagína.
Peter: There we go, but for the fact that I've already invested 10+ years in the SB wedding scene. V. attractive other than that, though.
Janet...Yo no quiero the guacamole so much...but I'm told I make it preee-tty good. I'd love to go to Cabo!
Chiada: It was on the other day. Simply couldn't help myself. Knew you'd get the reference.
Des: Yo pienso...uhhh...that your Spanish is much, much better than mine. Also...if I come to Vegas...actually, I'm emailing you.
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