Friday, December 29, 2006

Viva la familia

I am not one for the making, to say nothing of the keeping, of resolutions - New Year's or any other time of year. However, I am all for having something to look forward to - when I was little, one of my favorite things to do was to make paper chains, meant to count down to something, anything. Looking forward to a vacation, an event, a day...anything, was key.
First, out came the
safety scissors, next, the thick, slightly rough craft paper - the kind that Mr. Rogers always used. Next, draw straight, vertical lines across the paper, and cut along them. Tape one strip closed, slip the next into it, tape closed, and repeat. If you want to get fancy, use opposing colors, like yellow and purple. Make links for every day except The Big Day, tape the chain to the wall, and tear off one link every night. Et Voila! - instant (delayed) gratification. One day closer to the trip to the zoo, family vacation, visiting the grandparents.

These days, I tend to look forward to things other than a trip to the zoo, winter break or visiting my grandparents. The latest thing I'm happy to say I'm looking forward to is a generous family vacation, courtesy of The NorCal Crew (Scotts' sister), next month. I'm told we'll be put up in the beeeeyouuuteeeful Bellagio, and anticipate spending long, sunny January days next to one of the three pools. Without my phone ringing, my email ping!ing or my conscience nagging me to call someone. Maybe.

Which brings me to an embarassing truth: In all my travels, I've never been to Las Vegas. So I am asking, nay begging, you readers for the following:
  • tips on how to eat, drink (especially drink!) out there without breaking the bank.
  • what to do/see/avoid on the Strip.
  • free swag. How to get it.
  • Ways in which to shieldeth thy teenaged nephew's eyes from all the flyers of hoo-ha, ta-ta's and other body parts Which Ought Not Be Seen on a Flyer. Ever.
  • Ways in which to maketh the scantily-types stay far, far away from thy teenaged nephew, because you do not want to be an eye-witness to the corruption of his mind.
  • How to see the tiger show for free or cheap. (Sensing a theme here?)
  • Any other do's and don'ts, in general.
Free swag, passes, help with the suntan in January, et. cetera happily accepted.


Janet said...

you know, I've never been to Vegas either (despite growing up in the West) so I can't really help, but I hope you get some good advice!

Dawn said...

I love Vegas. It is easy to avoid the flyers if you know about them. They will try to hand them to you but if you don't take them you won't be hounded. Free mom is the queen of this, but you gotta gamble to get the free stuff. My mom signs up for a casino card. Puts it in a video poker machine, puts in 100 plays one hand and cashes out. Repeat several dozen'll get some comps, but it does take some time. But all--nearly all casinos have coupons too, so I would ask around. You are more likely to get stuff free at the casions off the strip. Ask a local where they would go to gamble, it won't be on the strip. Food is pretty resaonable if you stay away from the big hotels. Some of them have great coffee shop type restaurants. Have a blast. Your teen nephew shouldn't be hassled unless he looks like a twenty-something millionare.