High Heels and low I.Q. points
Wow, it sure is nice to be home - thanks for all your helpful hints, everyone! Well from the
accordian players to the Grand Canal shops (this is what it looks like at midnight or 2 am, people...way to seriously mess with your circadian rhythms!) to the fine dining, we had a blast!
Some highlights of our trip included:
Eating an amazing breakfast here at Bouchon (sister resturant to Napa's famous French Laundry)
- Seeing this show!
- The incredible, amazing generousity of The Cupertino Clan. You know who you are - it was amazing and "thank you' doesn't seem to quite cover it.
- Strolling through Luxors' lobby in The Vegas Shoes. Which ones, you ask?
- These here in the foreground are The Vegas shoes. The heel is five inches tall and pencil-thin. I have been saving The Vegas shoes for Vegas since about four years ago. Yes, that is gold chain as "shoe" material. Remainder of the outfit was skirt/tube top/lace short 'sweater' and bronzer. It might have been 30 degrees outside. Maybe. Probably not, though. As I said, it wasn't me who wanted to go out....it was the Vegas Shoes who wanted to go out.
- Realizing that there were
icesicles on this fountain. Frickin' icecicles.
- Spending some casual fun time with The Fam., laughing at/with them.
- Taking an indoor "hot tub" in the bathtub in our room
- Great cheap eats, if you know where to find 'em!
- Hard Rock cafe!
- Finally having a place to wear my rhinestone belt (as a necklace, to the Hard Rock)
- Pan au chocolat from the Bouchon bakery.
- Excellent security at the Venetian - they check for your key every time you come into the elevators.
- Finding out the reason for the excelent security at the Venetian - apparently the staff, 'has a hard time telling the guests from the hookers." Message to Americans: Slutty is not the new black. I do not want to see you do your best Britney Spears imitation.
- Finding out that the adult video awards ceremony was held at the Venetian...the night we got there. Ummmm yep, go ahead and don't think to hard on this one.
- Frickin' icecicles, all pools located outside, inability to wear cute outfits without freezing ones' areas off.
- The near-torture that was the knowledge that the season premiere of 24 was on.....not watching...not watching.
sounds like a fabulous trip with fabulous shoes! it might beat my weekend in Akron, which was V. fun, but still Akron or Vegas? hmmmmmm
If the adult video awards ceremony being held at the hotel, weren't the GUESTS the hookers? No wonder the security guards had a hard time telling them apart. :) Only in Vegas...
Sounds like you had a BLAST! I'm taking my mom to see Celine Dion at the end of Feb., I can't wait!
Janet (and everyone) - you're totally free to laugh at me here: I packed a roller suitcase with clothes, etc.. And a 'carryon" with almost as much room...with JUST SHOES in it. I dunno, I bet you partied harder in Akron than I did in Vegas....had to Set a Good Example and all.
Pilar (hi again) They aren't *technically* hookers...but this is 'standard procedure' now because of the way people dress. Ick.
Welcome Back! Glad you had a fab time! Hub-E and I need to take a Vegas trip..it's been about 5 years since we last went.
Oooh, I love this new design! Very minty; which is funny because I am at this very moment drinking a Blended White Mint Mocha drink...and it is GREEN!
Love ya!
Viva Las Vegas! OK that was lame but I'm suffering from brain fry.
Not that lame if you say it with an Austin Powers voice. :D While wearing a velvet suit, ruffly cravat, and black leather pointy Italian boots.
"Hey, there you are!"
"Well, Hi! Do I know you?"
"No! But that's where you are! You're there!"
SHIT icicles! I can't believe it! I'm glad you had a good time!!! YAY! Your sexy shoes rock!!
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