Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Walk

What can I say? The Walk was beyond awesome - a little tip to all of you (cough, cough, youknowwhoyouare) who missed it. I am sorry to report that: you MISSED it! Here, though, I've got a short re-cap:

8:45-9:15 - I lie in bed, text messaging my friend Jen and encouraging her to come with us, despite her being unprepared. Contemplate warmth of bed, cats, husband, ceiling, going back to sleep. Pray for continued sun, warmth. Realize I'm too excited and that my phone will continue to ring if I don't get out of bed, already.

9:20-45 - Winch sleepy husband from bed, into shower, out of shower, into clothing. Run around frantically slinging candy, cashews, fluids and assorted clothing items into strange hot dog shaped bag (said bag will later chafe my shoulders and leg into rosy sore areas). Bark orders to clean out car at sleepy, fresh-showered husband.

10:00-45- Carpool with friends, friends' kids, friends' kids' friends and other arrangements of those words to the beach. Some people start walking, I am immediately too hot and strip to a bathing suit and small dress over top. Send drivers back to bus station in multiple cars, they carpool back to the beach, the Walk Begins in earnest.

11:00 - Everyone is walking, sun shining, birds chirping, waves hissing as the tide goes down. All is right with the world.

11:05 - First (and only!) casualty - our man Chad (aka Pokey Little Puppy #1) splits his chin on a rock. Fortunately, we've got a paramedic and a Band-Aid on hand, and the 23 pounds of candy in my satchel is put to immediate use for it's intended purpose: Bribery of Crying Children.

11:30 - We pass Butterfly Beach, arrange to meet up with another couple of friends at the next beach. The next beach, Miramar, looks like this, but better. It's about 70 degrees. I love my friends. Noticing the children trolling for shells approximately a half-mile behind us, Christie and I begin a cachophany of fruitless phrases that probably sound totally hysterical to passersby.
(Cheery, upbeat Mary Poppins tone) "Chaaad! Beeeelllla! Come oooonnnn! We've gotta go!"
(Firm but fun, no-nonsense voice) "Ok soldiers, pick up the pace rightthisminute. Tides' comin' up, you betta' march, you little round butts!"
(Under my breath) "That's it. No cand-" Two round-eyed children appear by my side, as if by magic and beg for Sour Patch Kids.

11:45 - Meet our friends, sit for the first of a series of group pictures that I don't have (yet), due to my sad lack of a proper digital camera. Rejoice over good timing, mourn loss of camera, demand emails from everyone. Peruse beach houses, make plans to rent one some summer when we can spend 12-30,000 a week for accommodations. Laugh. Tell kids to pick up the pace again, or no can-. Two round-eyed children appear by my side, as if by magic and beg for Skittles.

12:00 - Pass beach home belonging to the CEO of Coca-Cola's and sigh wistfully, because like most of the homes we'll pass, this one is only occasionally occupied. Remark on fast pace and good time. Sling "small" child onto back. "Small" in this case = refers to someone weighing in at 45 to 50 pounds.

12:40-1:15 - We're (almost) halfway there....time for lunch and a nice, cold celebratory beer. Side note - our stop was in Summerland, where we met and were married in June 2000. I send my family a celebratory picture message.

(We lost three girls here, but one of them had made the trip before, and there were Good Reasons.)

1:20 - Pass unofficial Nude Beach, thankfully empty of the usual leathery old hippies in desperate need of clothing. (Have you noticed that the only ones who seem to go around sans clothing are those who really, really need them?) Comment again on remarkable good timing, abundance of dog walkers. Sling "small" child onto her fathers' back, distribute candy.

2:15 - Animals observed thus far: baby seal, snowy plovers, Great Blue Heron, egrets, sandpipers, starfish and other sea creatures of all kinds, dolphins, Pokey Little Puppies. Fear good time made is being held up by Pokey Little Puppies.

(Cheery, upbeat Mary Poppins tone) "Chaaad! Beeeelllla! Come oooonnnn! We've gotta go!"
(Firm but fun, no-nonsense voice) "Ok soldiers, pick up the pace rightthisminute. Tides' comin' up, you betta' march, you little round butts!"
(Under my breath) "That's it. No cand-" Two round-eyed children appear by my side, as if by magic and beg for Sour Patch Kids.

2:20 - Younger kid (P.L.P. #2) being carried, despite our threats. Older kid (P.L.P. #1) begins attempts to walk without stepping on the soles of his feet.

2:45 - Having traded the pack for a lighter load, I sling P.L.P. #1 onto my back and send a silent thanks heavenward that there is no one walking behind me.

3:20 - We round Padaro Lane point, cross a small river, and come out on the other side.

3:30 - We DID it! We're in Carp - and in record time! Last time, we didn't make it until 5 pm - for now, the weather is good and everyone is in great spirits. Our appetites weren't hurt, either - and we enjoy another celebratory beer on a patio while we wait for the bus.

5:30 - Say it with me: Pizza Guru .... mmmm Piiiiiiiizzzzzaaa Guuuuurrruuuuu. Three words: Tandoori Chicken Pizza. Pizza with steak. Vegan, vegetarian, whole wheat crust - as well as good ole' fashioned pepperoni, sausage and the like.

7:30 - Kicking back in a hot tub, drinking a Cape Cod. Does life get any better than this?

Hope to see y'all next year.

P.S. Have massages scheduled for Friday.


Peter said...

Jeez...did it take as long as reading this blog entry? ;)


Eris said...

Luckily I can vicariously live the whole experience in my dim, dank, freezing office here in beautiful downtown Reno, Nevada as it sleets brown rain outside because of your vivid descriptions.

Sounds lovely.

Unknown said...

Hey Maya,
Sorry we missed it! It does sound like ALOT of the time just you, Hub-E, and I walked along the beach recently. Well, there's always next year and forever!

Maya said...

Pete:It took a record breaking 3.5 unless you're a very. slowwww.... reader.... no, j/k it was grrreat!

Des & Chiada: There's always next year! C- E just stopped by to get the Big Lebowski - he's got a hug from you to me, so make sure to get it!

Unknown said...
