Off in La-La Land
First a quick poll: How do you say the word crayon? Go over to Dooce and weigh in: Heather says "CROWN" - it is hysterical! I'd never realized how very southern she is until I heard the audio clip.
Normally, I cannot stand L.A. - the noises, the smog, the people, the attitude and worst of all, the traffic. The bloody traffic, people cutting each other off with inch-wide margins, the ruthlessness, the old homeless guys panhandling between the lanes. Naturally, the possibility that someone could just turn around and shoot you because they're having a no-good, very bad, horrible day is also a bit of a downer. I spend most of the time with my hands and feet in the braced posistion, poised for the impact. Long story short; I usually get wherever we're going in LA and require a very stiff drink and a bit of a lie-down.
However, I do believe I've found the way to combat most of these feelings - all I need to do is drive down with another woman - one as paranoid as I am. Yeah! Christy is the best - she takes directions (I am the Navigator, its what I do), will double back if need be, and understands that one must Brake for Sales. Please stop reading now if you are not a Bargain/Deal Shopper.
Things that May Have Come Home with Me, In List Form
- Very cute shoes (three pairs for $25.00) Roni will be getting her pair as soon as she sends me The Box back.
- Two bikinis - $35.00
- Various tops, skirts and underbits
- A toe ring and belt in sparkly-type materials
- Did I mention the SHOES?
- Very cute L.B.D. (little black dress) for ten dollars. Ten. Dollars.
So you mean... the reason you went to LA was simply to shop???
My bro just went down & got 3 nice suits, ties, socks, & shirts for cheeeeeeeeap! Hollywood Suit Outlet or something like that. Hmmm, the last time I went to LA to shop was when E & I dropped somebody off at LAX as a favor & then checked out the jewelry district when we were shopping for wedding rings. Ended up not getting anything from there. But it made for some nice memories.
:D Hey, the 3 of us gals should do a trip soon!
Great insight into LA - thanks!
No... the reason we went to LA was to go to LA (without der menfolks) ... the shopping was purely incidental. Also the drinks. Purely incidental.
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