Mixed Message
Go now and rent (buy) this movie: The End of the Spear - I know, it's a Christian movie, but trust me on this one: Its a good. movie. S, naturally was bawling his eyes out (not a rare thing, the man cries during commercials). Speaking of crying -the funeral will be on Saturday. As far as details go - As best as they can tell our friend was distracted by the phone, hit the median and flipped violently a few times, ending up slammed into a tree. Fortunately she was killed instantly. It took them six hours to pry her body from the car - again I beg of you to stay off the bloody phone while you're driving.
Last night four of our friends from up north called us a few minutes after I put up that post. They were in town for the night (surf trip), needed a hotel (I think this house might actually break if four big surfer guys were to stay in it at the same time) and wanted to hang out with us and commiserate/catch up. (Stop reading now if you are related to me, please) I don't think I've ever been even close to this hungover. Fynn and Edie seemed to know that I was feeling a bit feeble, and one or the other of them, or both, have been glued to my side all day long. They say animals can sense illness, smell fear, predict earthquakes - but our little pair of big eared/eyed reprobates are walking, 'talking', purring tonics of warm fuzzy, healing goodness.
So I got to thinking about the many ways our pets enhance our lives, and than I looked over at my blogroll and started thinking about all of you. As it turns out, we're just a big bunch of animal lovers. I mean, check this out:
- Take Sprigs, and Lynn's ailing (but so cute) Egyptian spiny mouse, Digi
- Chiada's darling "girls", Chloe and Rayna
- The incomparable Miss Doxie and her four (plus the four her parents have) dauchsands
- Amy has Cieba (min-pin) and Max (Siamese)
- The SightSpeed Guy has a cute little dog, Raisin
- Of course, there's Chuck
- Mrs. Kennedys' parading pooch, Katie
- Emily, Dave and their collie, Hambone of Captain Hambone fame
- M. Giant, Strat and Turtle
- Sars' hysterical accounts of Hobey and Little Joe
- Hay Lady lives on a farm. A real farm with cows.
- My sister. Her blog is called Crazy Cat Lady...'nuff said, right?
- Holly has kitties, who are enjoying filet mignon at "summer camp" right now
Raisin is the best mutt ever. EVER. Makes Benji look like a retarded short bus dog. Lassie is a brain-damaged mongoloid in comparison.
Now go back to sleep you lush.
SSG: I love Raisin already... starting with his name, you know? Thanks for the shout-out - I'm linking that entry because The other 3 people that read here need to Vote now on X-box vs. Box Canyon in Yosemite- even though I'm not much of a camper myself anymore, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd happily drag a few worthy kiddies up somewhere to live in the dirt for a few days.
Hay Lady- I just Googled "free blogger templates" - you can also go over to misszoot.com and see her stuff. Very cute!
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