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- Days Since Normal Food Consumed: Seven
- Food-like items trickled painfully down my throat: Two cans of soup, (shup up, heat!) a few tablespoons of raspberry sorbet/soy vanilla ice cream. Lots of water.
- New fans purchased to help with oppressive heat and high humidity: Four
- Minutes it takes to sweat through a sheet : Eight
- Level of pain of arms cruelly going through "steriod reaction" (like withdrawl, but more fun) 9 of 10.
- How many times the cats CHIRRRRRRRRRRRRP? and MWWWWWWWORRRRRRRE? at me every night as I lay on our couch (can't sleep in the bed for some reason) 84,923,209. Each
- Number of showers taken a) per day: 4 b:) between 1 am-5 am: one. Every night.
- Amount of times I've been asked, 'Ya feelin' better, Yet? Huh? huh? are ya? huh?"
- Number of things I'm forgetting on this list: So many, but I'm really, really tired nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So sorry you're sick - sounds bad reallyreally bad ... poor pumpkin. :(
This is all a conspiracy in order to lose weight on a liquid diet. ;P I kid! I kid!
Poor baby. : ( Bein' sick, especially in hot muggy weather is the pits. I pity you. I was sick for half the summer the year you got married, remember? And I remember that was a very warm summer, too. C'mon, Meeps! Don't give up on us! You're not taking care of us! :D
<3 WawaKiki
One of my favorite Cathy Comics (leave me alone...) is where she is super sick, lieing in bed, all miserable and she says "I wonder how much weight I will possibly lose"
I just hope that you start feeling better SOON.
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